Another word for cannabis is
Mental Health disorders go untreated because......
many people do not seek treatment
When a person uses INHALANTS they are...
breathing in vapors and gases
An example of a biological stressor....
Illness, Disability, etc.
Technoference is....
interference of technology in their daily lives.
A drug that speeds up the central nervous system...
What is negative stress called and give an example?
constantly worried that makes you irritable
A drug that slows down the central nervous system..
One way to deal with stress is...
-manage time
-stress-free activities
-Talk to someone
1/3 of people reach for their phone within ______ minutes of waking up.
5 mins.
Prescription medicine by doctors for pain are known as ....
If a friend is grieving, how can you help them?
Sympathetic listener
Go with them and listen to a trusted adult
Highly addictive form of cocaine is called
Occasional mild anxiety is caused by...
day to day stresses
Heavy smartphone use is considered how much daily use...
3 hours and 45 minutes.
When a person becomes physically dependent on a drug to feel good normally we call this ...?
An example of environmental stressor
Natural Disasters
Noise in neighborhoods
A strong or fatal reaction to drug use is called...
Signs and symptoms of depression include...
-ongoing sadness for more than 2 weeks
-loss of motivation
3/5 steps to help you start looking up again
(Ted Talk)
-Understand your phone usage and manage it
- Put it away during social situations
-Turn off your notifications
What part of wellness does drug abuse effect (Must name more than one)
Physical, Social, and Emotional/Mental
-accept mistakes and think of them as learning opportunities
What is a step you can take to help a friend who is using drugs?
Bring it up to a friend, talk to a trusted adult, see a drug counselor
Stages of grieving :