The charge of electrons are
The following is the name of the protein from milk used to create primitive and natural adhesives
What is casein
This type of engineer designs and develops machines and tools used in factories.
What is a Mechanical Engineer
This device is used to type text into a computer.
What is a Keyboard?
Mr. Luna's favorite football team
Who are the Dallas Cowboys
3 parts that make up an atom
What are protons, neutrons, electrons
“Super glue” does not harden in the tube because
What is the resin uses water and air to cure
This engineer focuses on creating structures like bridges, buildings, and roads.
What is a Civil Engineer
This device captures images or video and sends them to a computer for processing.
What is a Camera?
Mr. Luna has this many kids
True or False: Chemistry is the branch of science concerned with the properties of substances and the interactions between the different types of matter.
What is true
In conjunction with the Van der Waals Forces, geckos are able to stick to so many surfaces because
What are tiny hairs called setae
This engineer works with computers, developing software and systems that help solve problems.
What is a Computer Engineer?
This device is used to display images and text from a computer.
What is a Monitor?
Mr. Luna's favorite sport is
What is Baseball
The definition of a molecule
What is at least 2 or more atoms sharing electrons
________ is the action or property of molecules adhering to one another due to mutual attraction.
What is Cohesion
This type of engineer works with electrical systems, like power plants, and designs electronic devices like smartphones.
What is an Electrical Engineer?
This device produces a hard copy of documents from a computer, usually on paper.
What is a Printer?
Mr. Luna's favorite type of food
What is BBQ
The definition of an element
What is a pure substance, composed of only one type of atom
The “technical” name for “super glue”–type adhesives
What is Cyanoacrylate
The chemical engineering process that results in the recycling, disposing, or selling of byproducts.
What is separator
A camera on your smartphone is an example of this, allowing you to capture images for use on your device.
What is an Input Device?
Mr. Luna graduated from this Corpus Christi high school
What is Moody High School