Paragraph 6: "For a moment, I was wary of the old man and didn’t take the cup of fresh water. Instead, I looked down the well and saw nothing but the dark river water flowing freely, appetizingly on its way to some unknown destination."
Using context clues, what does the word "wary" mean?
cautious, hesitant, careful, alert
"With my sisters standing a few feet away from us, looking scared but hopeful, I took the cup of water and sniffed it. It smelled like nothing and everything. It smelled like the freshness of spring and all the joy that it could bring. It smelled like a promise. Gingerly, I tasted it, letting the coolness of the water sit on my tongue while I decided if it was okay to let the girls have some. It tasted better than it smelled. It tasted like summer, like fun, like innocence in the Rio Grande; so I swallowed, and the purity of it was divine."
What part of STEAL does this evidence represent?
"Yes, but she’s not evil. She’s actually trying to help us,” I continued. “I tried telling you about it, but you didn’t believe me. So I dismissed her warnings — until this morning, when you started taunting Cecilia and I heard her curse us. I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I should have told you everything from the start.”" (paragraph 36)
What is revealed about Odilia's character based on this evidence?
That she was cautious and she is taking responsibility for her actions. She is reflective, and is honest with her sisters. She is protective and want to keep her sisters safe.
"She looked like a praying mantis"
What type of figurative language is this?
simile - comparing two things using "like" or "as"
(paragraph 3)
"An old man with a sun-weathered straw hat and faded overalls unbent himself from his chores in the garden to nod our way as we walked up to him."
Who is this?
Teresita's husband.
(Paragraph 13) "Come here. Let me look at you closely. My eyes are not as good as they used to be, thanks to these miserable cataracts,” Teresita said, her skeletal fingers waving us in, urging us closer. As we neared the table, we saw what she meant. Her pupils were clouded over, opaque, and she seemed to not know exactly where we were standing in the room."
Using context clues, what does the word "cataracts" mean?
Cloudiness over the lens of one's eye which makes it difficult for them to see
"Petrified in my seat by Teresita’s horrible prediction, I could only blink away my fearful tears. “I didn’t know she was real,” I finally admitted. “I met La Llorona at the river. She warned me about all this, but I was too skeptical to believe her.”
What part of STEAL is this an example of?
Speech / Dialogue / Says
(paragraph 53)
"Of course, given our experiences with Cecilia, I wasn’t sure I could believe everything Teresita had to say, so I kept my ears and eyes open for suspicious behavior from the old soothsayer. Even if Cecilia had been under a spell and forced to tell the truth, I couldn’t help but worry about my sisters. But if she was telling the truth, she was giving us answers"
What is revealed about Odilia in this excerpt?
hesitant, cautious, alert, protective, responsible.
(paragraph 67)
"It is the only way you will make it alive to your Mamá’s house. You were never meant to die on the way. There are too many demons yet to be faced, too many tears yet to be shed.”"
What do the Garza sisters need to do in order to survive this journey?
You can save yourselves, but only if you are brave and cunning and stick together through these nightmares. You must never falter in your faith
(paragraph 42)
"But there are other ways I can help you. I can see into your future and advise you, caution you. Tell you how to defeat that which dwells in the mystical realm. Those are things I am familiar with, things within my sight."
Who is this?
(Paragraph 22)
“Our car broke down,” I said, being careful not to divulge too much information."
Using context clues, what does the word "divulge" mean?
disclose, make known, reveal, communicate
(paragraph 39)
"Teresita was right. If only I’d warned my sisters of La Llorona’s caution to be humble and good, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Now it was up to me to contend with whatever evil I had brought upon us. I had to protect my hermanitas"
What part of STEAL is this an example of?
(paragraph 6)
"For a moment, I was wary of the old man and didn’t take the cup of fresh water. Instead, I looked down the well and saw nothing but the dark river water flowing freely, appetizingly on its way to some unknown destination"
What does this reveal about Odilia?
She is cautious, she is thorough, and pays attention to details, and she is protective.
(paragraph 25)
"“It is a difficult road you’ve taken, one riddled with hardships and painful ordeals, but then again, you are difficult children.” She smiled as she said it, pointing a crooked index finger at us. “Unfortunately, the road ahead is full of trials and tribulations. You have angered the witch and now you must pay for your transgressions.”"
Who is the witch that the Garza sisters angered?
(paragraph 49)
"They are evil beyond compare. Their tongues are made of the fifth element, and their words are sharp metal talons that can cut through even the cleverest of men. To avert the paralyzing effect of their punishment you must pray seven Padres Nuestros and seven Ave Marías while you tie seven perfectly spaced knots on a silk thread. Only then will you be able to escape the flame in their eyes.”"
What magical character are they describing here?
(paragraph 36) "That’s the good news,” Teresita said, leaning in to grip my hand with her clawlike fingers. “It’s been injured by human hands, so it will be wary. But don’t be fooled by its meekness. Its heart is pure evil. There is no humanity left in him.”
Using context clues, what does the word "meekness" mean?
shy, timid
(paragraph 19-20)
"“You want to know how to get to your abuelita’s house,” Teresita said, picking up an old deck of cards with unusual images on them.
“Lotería!” Pita cried, exultantly. “Oh, goodie. Can I play?”
What does this reveal about Pita?
She is excited/eager, and she misses Papa and playing this game with her family.
(paragraph 32-33)
"Velia put her hand on my shoulder to get my attention. “And you knew about this?”
“Why didn’t you warn us?” Delia demanded."
What does this reveal about the twins?
They are confused and curious. They are disappointed in Odilia
How can you save yourself from the lechuzas firer eyes?
you must pray seven Padres Nuestros and seven Ave Marías while you tie seven perfectly spaced knots on a silk thread. Only then will you be able to escape the flame in their eyes
(paragraph 60 - 62)
"A few months ago, out there, at the base of the cerro. It was sucking the life out of one of my goats. It hissed at me, when I came upon it. Its prickly coarse hair stood up like a sharp razor along the length of its back. It snarled and flew at me, the scrawny little thing. But I wasn’t scared. I picked up my rifle and shot at it.”
“You killed it?” Pita asked, sounding relieved.
“No,” Teresita’s husband said"
What new magical character is being discussed here?
(paragraph 28) "“Knew what?” Juanita asked, turning back and forth between me and Teresita, waiting for answers that we were both reluctant to disclose."
Using context clues, what does the word "disclose" mean?
(paragraph 29)
"“Cecilia has called upon evil to plague you,” Teresita proclaimed, putting her hands over three of the cards on the table before us. “They are coming this way, the children of the night, traveling forth from the ancient world, coming from far and wide to avenge their mother.”"
What part of STEAL is this an example of? AND What is revealed about Teresita based on this excerpt?
That she is direct, a truth teller
(paragraph 50)
"Flame in their eyes? Are you kidding?” Juanita asked, the tone of her voice told me she’d had enough of Teresita’s riddles"
What does this reveal about Juanita?
What is the "Evil Trinity" that Cecilia has cursed on the Garza sisters?
-Un Brujo (the warlock)
-Lechuzas (witch owls)
-Chupacabras (blood sucking beast)
(paragraph 21)
"These cards are more ancient than your Lotería. More powerful. They will help you reach your destination, the home of your ancestors.”"
Who is talking during this expert? How are they being a MENTOR to the Garza sisters?
Teresita, and by reading the cards to tell the girls their future.