Force and Motion

Why does a drum make a sound when it is hit with a drum stick?

The top of the drum vibrates.


What causes a change in the speed of a moving object?



Which ramp would have less friction? A wooden ramp, a ramp covered with sandpaper or a ramp covered with carpet?

A wooded ramp.


Is a ball rolling down the hill or a computer sitting on a desk an example of kinetic energy?

Ball rolling down the hill.


Look at the picture of the sound waves. Which 2 waves have the same wavelength and amplitude?

Waves 2 and 3


A fourth grader kicks a kickball. What factor has the MOST effect on the distance the ball travels?

The force of the kick


What will happen if a toy car is rolled down a ramp a hits the wall?

It will travel in a different direction.


Two trucks are traveling at different speeds and crash. One truck has more damage than the other. Why does this happen?

The truck traveling the fastest has more energy.


Draw a picture of a high pitched and low pitched sound wave. 

High pitched: quick/high waves

Low pitch: slow/low waves


Two dogs are pulling on a toy on opposite ends. They are both pulling with the same amount of force. If they continue to pull with the same amount what will happen to the dogs?

Both dogs will stay in the same place.


A worker is pushing a box up a ramp into a moving truck. What two forces are working against him?

Friction and gravity


Which of the following balls will require the most amount of force to move across the floor the fastest?

A basketball that weighs 2 lbs., a soccer ball that weights 1.5 lbs., a volley ball that weighs 2.5 lbs, or a bowling ball that weighs 5 lbs.?

The bowling ball.


When you talk into a cup that is connected to a string and another cup on the other end. What causes the person on the other end to hear you?

Your voice makes vibrations that travel down the string and vibrates the cup on the other end. Those vibrations travel to the ear.


While playing with a sling shot a boy discovers the farther back he pulls the rubber band the faster the object will travel. Why is this true?

Increasing the force applied to a moving object will increase the speed of the object.


Some kids were playing with pool balls on a pool table. One of the kids rolled a ball and it hit a ball that was sitting still on the table. The ball that was sitting still started to roll and the other ball stopped. What caused this to happen?

Energy from the rolling ball was transferred to the ball that was sitting on the table.


What is the difference between amplitude and wavelength?

Amplitude is the height of the wave and wavelenth is the distance between waves.
