After attacking Phil, his dog Peanut was also referred by this 9-letter word
What is "terrorist"?
This microphone: 100 - 42
What is SM 58?
Sean famously beat Noel in 150cc in this video game
What is MarioKart?
An actor threw a handheld microphone at a set piece, shattering it into pieces, in this touring show
What is Jesus Christ Superstar?
What is a JF80?
The Mults that are used for the four channels are Mults 1, 2, 3, and this
What is 6?
These two billionaires were depicted on the original "do not throw trash in the cart storage" sign
Who are Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos?
The shorthand acronym for the Program feed becomes the acronym for the theatre where Hit the Wall is being performed
What is PGM-CC?
These are the two channels that are connected to the cellcom reciever at FOH
What are A and C (ASM and Sound)
Sean asked this question to Amelia when she +4'd him in a game of Uno
Where's your wrench?