A quick back and forth movement.
What is a wave.
The distance between two troughs or two crests.
What is a wavelength.
The length of one wave cycle.
What is a wavelength.
A regular pattern of motion created by a vibration.
What is a wave.
How old is Mr. Castillo
what is 27 years old
How high or low a sound is.
What is pitch.
The number of waves that pass in a second.
What is frequency.
The height of a wave.
What is amplitude.
A solid, liquid, or gas that waves can travel through.
What is a medium.
Mr. Castillos favorite exercise
What is the bench press
Sound is measured by this.
What is a decibel.
The distance between the equilibrium line (resting point) and the crest. (Height)
What is amplitude.
The amount of wave cycles completed in one second.
What is frequency.
A repeating back and forth motion
What is oscillation
What is Mr. Castillo's favorite anime?
Three mediums sound can travel through.
What is gas, liquid, and solid.
Particles oscillate up and down on this type of wave.
What is a transverse wave.
What is the formula for the velocity of a wave?
What is a v=f * wavelength
The resting position of a wave
Equilibrium or resting point
What is Mr. Castillo's favorite color
What is the color green
Sound travels best through this.
What is a solid.
Particles oscillate back and forth in this type of wave.
What is a longitudinal wave.
The rate at which a wave moves through a medium.
What is velocity.
What does a waves transfer
What is energy
What is Mr. Castillo's max bench?
What is 235lbs