We thank all our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity
The rule of three + Anaphora
The name of the first white settlers in South Africa
The Boers
The years of Apartheid
What is 1948-1994
The film about the relationship between Nelson Mandela and James Gregory, his censor officer and prison guard
What is Goodbye Bafana?
Once Upon a Time
Let there be justice for all.
Let there be peace for all.
Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.
Anaphora + Epiphora
A movement of Dutch-speaking colonists up into the interior of southern Africa in search of land where they could establish their own homeland, independent of British rule
What is The Great Trek of 1835-37?
The meaning of the word "Apartheid"
What is "living apart"?
The number of years Nelson Mandela spent in prison
What is 27 years?
The Freedom Charter
The whole of South Africa
To my compatriots, I have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld.
Each time one of us touches the soil of this land, we feel a sense of personal renewal. The national mood changes as the seasons change.
We are moved by a sense of joy and exhilaration when the grass turns green and the flowers bloom.
Semantic field
The fight for land with diamonds and gold between the British, the Dutch and the natives
The Boer Wars of 1880-1881 and 1899-1902
The laws that made it compulsory for blacks to carry pass books (identity cards) at all times which allowed them to have permission to be in a white area for a limited amount of time. If they did not have their pass, blacks could be arrested and imprisoned
What are The Pass Laws?
The year Nelson Mandela was elected president
What is 1994?
The Inaugural Address of 1994
Nelson Mandela
We, the people of South Africa, feel fulfilled that humanity has taken us back into its bosom, that we, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own soil.
Pronouns + Personification
The Act that prohibited black South Africans from buying land and defined an area set aside for Africans as a “scheduled area”.
What is The Land Act of 1913?
The practice of segregation in the routine of daily life – e.g., in lavatories, restaurants, railway cars, buses, swimming pools
What are Petty Apartheid Laws?
What South Africa is also called, e.g., by Mandela in his Inaugural Address
What is The Rainbow Nation?
The Bench
Richard Rive
We are both humbled and elevated by the honour and privilege that you, the people of South Africa, have bestowed on us, as the first President of a united, democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa, to lead our country out of the valley of darkness
Contrast/juxtaposition/oxymoron/paradox + Listing + Metaphor
Uprisings which caused the international community to start looking critically at South Africa during the time of apartheid
What are the Sharpeville Massacre and the Soweto Uprisings?
The tests used to determine race
The pencil test
Width of nose
Tone of skin
The party that was formed to bring all Africans together as one people which Nelson Mandela was a part of
What is the African National Congress (ANC)?
Dead Man's Shoes
David Evans