What are the 2 most common pets in DK
what is dog and cat
What continent does Cape Town belong to
what is Africa
How many countries are the in Africa
what is 49/53/57
What is the national bird in DK
what is the swan
The most basic food in Denmark
what is potato
What is the short name for rhinosorus
what is rhino
Is Cape Town by the sea
what is yes
Name an African tribe
what is ...Zulu, Masai, Xhosa...
What wild animal came to DK 10 years ago
what is the wolf
En varm hund
what is Hot Dog
what rhino is most common - black or white
what is white
What animal visits Boulders Beach
what is penguin
What country gave name to a Disney movie
what is Madagascar
What animal can you meet in the woods and in your garden. It is always in Donald Duck cartoons
what is a squirrel
Strawberry porridge in Danish
what is Rødgrød
Name the big five
what is elephant, lepard, buffalo, lion and rhino
What is the mountain in Cape town called
what is Table Mountain
What is the biggest mountain is Africa
What is Kilimanjao
what is a badger in Danish
What is a grævling
What do you call a bread, cheese and ham sandwich
what is pariser toast
Where does the elephant shrew live
what is grasslands and forest
How many people live in Cape Town - 3.75/4.75/5.75
what is 3,75 mill.
What is the biggest country in Africa -
what is Algeria
How many different ducks live in DK - 5/7/9
what is 7
National dish of South Africa
what is Bobotie