what type of government is in south america
presidential republican
what was the population in 2020
what country in south America ships the most
how many people are in the military
173083 people
what was the population in 2021
what does south america mainly sell
foodstuffs and plant products, fuels, and raw materials. Within the first group the most important are sugar, bananas, cocoa, coffee, tobacco, beef, corn, and wheat.
what is the most safe and stable country in south america
what was the population in 2012
what is south America's number one trade partner
united states
who was the last president of south america
Evo Morales
what was the population in 2019
how does south america get things to other places
a ship
how old is south america
older than 3 billion years
why did the population decrease
how does south america ship things besides boat
air,and road