The number one environmental issue throughout most of South Asia.
What is deforestation?
The proportion of the population that lives in urban areas.
What is 30-34%?
The world's largest film industry.
What is Bollywood?
The name of Bangladesh from 1947 to 1971.
What is East Pakistan?
Proportion of children in India who are malnourished.
What is 39% +/- 1%?
The number one reason for poor air quality in South Asia.
What is coal burning?
What is the name given to the villages where most people in South Asia live.
What is compact rural villages?
What is Hinduism?
The main reason why Pakistan and and Bangladesh exist as separate countries from India.
What is religion (the major religion there is Islam)?
As of 2015, proportion of rural Indians who had no access to toilets/latrines?
What is 70%
The number one environmental concern in Bangladesh.
What is flooding?
In 2025, what will be the word's most populated country?
What is India?
Socially ranked occupational categories that are hereditary.
What is the caste system?
The valley (region of northern India) where neither Pakistan nor India accept the other’s control and over which several wars have been fought.
What is Kashmir.
The name of the phenomenon whereby many more educated young people leave this region?
What is brain drain?
Cultural adaptation to monsoons in Northern Bangladesh.
What are Meghalaya bridges (bridges made of roots of trees)?
The name of slums/favelas in the region.
What are hutments.
The new name for the "untouchables".
What is the Dalits?
The name of the first war of independence in India.
What is the Sepoy Mutiny (1856 - Not successful).
The first and last name of the young woman from Pakistan who won the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to have equal rights for education for girls.
Who is Malala Yousafzai?
Lifting mechanism responsible for monsoon rains.
What is orographic lifting.
The two main reasons for Dr. Norman Borlag's success in ushering Green Revolution in India and Pakistan?
What are
1) crossbreeding of US wheat with Japanese short stalk wheat (less susceptible to higher wind and moisture)
2) worked with locals to gain acceptance for the production of the new wheat varieties
The official languages of India?
What are Hindi, English, and one language per province.
The name of the rebel group in Northern Sri Lanka that wanted political and cultural autonomy.
What is Tamil Tigers? Religion: Hinduism.
One of the main reasons for the preference for boys in this region.
What is have to pay a dowry (typically several years of household income)?