What city is Bollywood located
Mumbai (Bombay)
What country invaded Afghanistan in 1979
The Soviet Union
On average, how often is a baby born in the US
1 every 9 seconds
What two countries have claimed the region of Kashmir
India and Pakistan
Name two bodies of water that border India
Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean
By what metric is the Indian film industry the largest in the world
Number of films produced
Box office receipts
What is the name of the man who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks
Osama Bin Laden
What is population density
The number of people per square km (or square mile).
Number of people in a given area distance.
What country did East Pakistan become
What are the two highest mountains in the world
Mount Everest and K2
Aamir Khan
What is the name of the ruling party in Afghanistan today
The Taliban
What 3 countries had the highest net change in population in 2020
India, China, and Nigeria
What are the two national languages of Pakistan
Urdu and English
Name a dialect spoken in regions of India
Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odhia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
What was the name of the highest grossing movie in Bollywood history
What is the capital of Afghanistan
What is a megacity and how many megacities are there today
A megacity is a city with over 10 million people
There are 21 megacities today
What river in India has particularly importance to people who practice Hinduism
Ganges River
What type of warfare did the Vietcong use against the US
Guerilla warfare
What is the ethnic name of people that originate from the region that the Khans of Bollywood originate from
Pashtun (or Pathan)
What is the name of the important highway that the US attempted to rebuild in Afghanistan
The Ring Road (or Highway 1 or A01)
How do you calculate the growth rate of a population
The difference between birth rate and death rate (death rate is number of deaths per 1000 people)
There are 6 countries that border India. What are they
China, Pakistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Afghanistan technically shares a border with India because India controls all of Kashmir. But this is disputed.
What region did Batu Khan rule
The Golden Horde (Western Russia into Eastern Europe)