The most densely populated country in the world:
What is India
This mountain range separates Eastern Asia(China) from Southern Asia(Nepal)
What is the Himalayan mountain range.
This entertainment center and culture is responsible for more ticket sales (domestically) than Hollywood does in our country.
What is Bollywood.
Gandhi organized [blank] [blank] in order to raise support for Indian independence.
What are/is Peaceful Protest.
Colonies are usually created to generate income (True/False) - you pick.
What is True.
A majority of Indians practice this religion
What is Hinduism
This river runs from the Himalayan Mountains, through the eastern "half" of India.
What is the Ganges River.
This religion has a major impact on the culture of South Asia.
What is Hinduism.
Voting is fundamental to which kind of government system?
What is Democracy.
This country is the most cinnamon-producing in the world.
What is Sri Lanka.
The people of the Kashmir region of India are a mix of the dominant religion of India and of Pakistan. The religion in Pakistan is known as:
What is Islam.
This river runs from the Himalayan mountains through the western half of Asia.
What is the Indus River.
The culture of Nepal is shaped largely by their environment and the fact that they are so secluded. The monasteries of the country are located in these mountains.
What are the Himalayan Mountains.
This country is responsible for India's ~200 year history as a colony.
What is England.
This country is the leading producer of soccer balls globally.
What is Pakistan.
South Asia's history and culture are largely dominated by issues relating to a TFR which has luckily increased/decreased(which) in the past decade.
What is decreased.
In the last year, India has experienced extremely high/low(pick one) temperatures during the summer - which have been hard on the developing country because of their lack of widespread air conditioning.
What is High.
What is 32%.
Government in this country is heavily influenced by the predominant faith, Islam.
What is Pakistan.
South Asia depends a lot on the rivers that flow to the ocean. However, there are still problems when what ecological process results from monsoon season.
What is flooding.
Defined as the ability for a country's population to adequately replace its numbers and maintain the size of its population.
What is Replacement Rate.
Gandhi marched to this physical feature to protest and also provide economic benefit to his country.
What is the Ocean (Gandhi's Salt March)
This country measures its national wealth by "Gross Domestic Happiness" - instead of GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
What is Bhutan.
The largest (by population) democracy in the world is in this country.
Pakistan is the only Muslim country in the world with access to this form of energy (power production or electricity).
What is Nuclear power.