What does it mean if there is only one main ethnic group?
there is little ethnic diversity
What are 2 of the most homogeneous countries in the world?
North and South Korea
What is the religion that follows the natural way of the universe?
Daoism or Taoism
China invests in *blank* to make employees more productive to reach a higher
Human capital resources
What is the first relationship?
Ruler and Subject
What do pushers do?
push people into subway cars
What countries have a vast majority of the population as being ethnically Korean
North and South Korea
What is the religion that is a belief system based off the ideas of Confucius?
*blank*% of the Japanese population is part of this Japan's ethnic group
What is the second relationship?
Father and Son
what is the largest urban area in Japan?
Most people live in WHAT plains in these countries?
Coastal Plains
What religion was developed by Japan?
This country has had little ethnic conflict...
I am...?
What is the third relationship?
Husband and Wife
What Chinese Communist Party won in 1949?
Mao Zedong’s
North Korea’s population density is much...?
What religion (or mix of religions) does China have?
Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religions
South Korea has a *blank* economy
What is the fourth relationship?
Older and younger brothers
What popular gaming technology brand was made in Japan?
What famous cell phone technology brand was made in Korea?
What is Shintoism?
(What makes it different from other religions?)
spirits and purity are worshiped
North Korea and China rely heavily on......*Fill in the blank using study guide/Slideshow*
Hydroelectric power
What is the fifth relationship?
Two Friends