case studies
urban farming
advocacy & organizing
food security

a historic adobe house built in the 1870’s. It is one of the oldest buildings in Tucson located in the downtown area. The home was almost destroyed to make way for the Tucson Convention Center but was preserved to tell the stories of the people that lived in Barrio Viejo.

 What is the name of this historic building? 

The Sosa-Carrillo House 


a food production system that cultivates fish and plants together in a constructed, recirculating ecosystem utilizing natural bacterial cycles to convert fish waste to plant nutrition. - what is this known as? 



what are the 3 different types of government?

Local/ City/Tribal, State, Federal 

When people don't have enough to eat and don't know where their next meal will come from - this is known as what? 

Food Insecurity 


This sale was the largest land purchase by the U.S. It led to the dispossession of indigenous communities from their ancestral lands through forced removal and drastically changed their ways of life through erasure of spiritual and cultural practices - what was the name of this sale? 

The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 


This farm was previously a elementary school. The community of Julia Keen organized to purchase the school after it was being sold to construct a parking lot. The community transformed it into a farm that now has chickens, goats, and grows other food available to the community. What is the name of the organization/farm? 

Flowers and Bullets / Midtown Farm 


" …all peoples, nations and states are able to determine their own food producing systems and policies that provide every one of us with good quality, adequate, affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food."

In what declaration was this written at? 



known as the "gangsta gardener" from South LA transformed a sidewalk into a urban garden. he was cited by the City of LA for growing his food.  he said " growing your own food, is like printing your own money" 

Ron Finley 


After slavery was abolished in the U.S, a new form of servitude emerged. Black farmers would be provided land, but had to provide the land owner with half or more of their earnings from crops. This would lead to cycles of poverty because the farmer would never have enough to pay back what was borrowed and would not be able to make a living with their wages. - This was known as what? 



a large area of land that is used to grow a single crop or plant; or to raise a single breed of animal. 

This process is known as what? 



This is a bill that expires every 5 years and provides money for federally-funded programs like SNAP and WIC. This bill also supports farmers with loans and resources along conservation efforts in the U.S. 

Farm Bill 


what is the name of the kitchen owned by the CFB that provides hot meals to families, senior meals, and hygiene supplies in Tucson. The food is prepared by the training culinary chefs, volunteers, and staff. 

People do not need to provide any type of information to receive a hot meal. 

Caridad Community Kitchen 


these can be found in the property records of almost every American community. These clauses were written into property deeds to prevent people who were non-white from buying or occupying land. 

in 1940, almost 80% of property in Chicago and LA prevented Black families from buying homes. 

Racial Covenants 


Loss of biodiversity, climate change, commodified crops, high use of pesticides, use of big machinery - these are all examples of what type of agricultural food system? 

Industrial Agricultural Food System 


the right of the peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods and the right to define their own food and agriculture systems - this is known as what? 

Food Sovereignty 


This is a federally-funded program that helps provide food for families and individuals that struggle to afford food. It is funded under the Farm Bill and over 40 million people use these benefits a month. 

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 


what is the name of the ancient water spring at the U.S/ Mexico border that is sacred to the Hia C-ed O'odham people? The spring is currently reaching extremely low levels and pollution due to the construction of the wall at the border. 



a process designed to create ecosystems that work with nature rather than against. some principles of this are: different foods are grown in a single area, all waste goes back into the soil, uses renewable resources. - this is known as what? 



Who was the first African- American woman to be elected to congress? She played a huge role in the advocacy of federally-funded food programs like SNAP and WIC. 

Shirley Chisholm 


This is a federally-funded program that supports parents who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have children under 5. It is funded under the farm bill. 

WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
