Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 & 14
Chapter 15 & 16
This system has more impact on the individual throughout the life cycle than any other system.
What is the family
This is the least restrictive type of substitute care.
What is family foster care
This type of maltreatment of older adults is the most common.
What is self neglect
This component of the criminal justice system determines whether or not a crime has been committed, whether a punishment should be assessed, and what the punishment should be.
What is judicial
The average age of retirement in the next decade is expected to:
What is increase
This proportion of marriages in the U.S. ends up in divorce.
What is about one-third.
This type of substitute care is typically reserved for children and adolescents who need intensive structure and therapeutic services.
What is residential treatment
This type of care of terminally ill patients in a familiar environment that minimizes pain and maintains personal dignity and control over the dying process is called?
What is hospice care
This type of social work approach is best suited to the rural setting.
What is generalist practice
The amount of children worldwide are estimated to live and work on the streets.
What is 100 million
This group of children is most at risk of child maltreatment.
What is infants
This act guaranteed that children would not be denied placement with a foster or adoptive family solely on the basis of race, color, or national origin of either the prospective parent or the child involved.
What is the Multiethnic Ethnic Act of 1994
This theory of aging emphasizes positive adaptation and life satisfaction based on mastering new tasks as the individual moves through the life cycle.
What is developmental theory.
This court was established in 1899 to focus on the best interests of the child.
What is juvenile court
This group is most likely to be overrepresented in dead-end and declining jobs.
Who are African American and Latino females
Parents who suddenly decide to go to a party and leave their children alone would be classified as which type of neglectful parent?
What is impulse-ridden
In the child welfare system, the term drifting in care is most often associated with which program.
What is foster care
This is the greatest source of retirement income for the majority of older Americans.
What is Social Security
This is the greatest challenge to providing mental health services in rural communities.
What is maintaining privacy.
This type of organization offers international careers for social workers with little or no prior experience.
What are foundations
This type of psychological maltreatment involves an adult who refuses to acknowledge the child's worth and the legitimacy of the child's needs.
What is rejecting.
This was passed to preserve the cultures of Native American children and prevent disruption of Native American families.
What is the Indian Child Welfare Act
This theory of aging holds that a person's personality formed early in life changes little over the life span.
What is continuity theory
This rehabilitation program had its beginnings in the early 1900s, fell into disfavor, and has seen a gain in popularity since the 1980s.
What are prison industries
This organization is most likely to have up-to-date information on child exploitation throughout the world.
What is Amnesty International