Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Yo + hablar
Yo hablé
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Yo + buscar
Yo busqué
In the preterite, the verbs _______ and _______ have the same conjugations
Ir & Ser
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Tú + estar
Tú estuviste
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Ustedes + venir
Ustedes vinieron
Spanish stem-changing verbs ONLY stem-change in the preterite in the ______ and _____ forms IF the verb ends in ______.
Spanish stem-changing verbs ONLY stem-change in the preterite in the él/ella/usted and ellos/ella/ustedes forms IF the verb ends in IR.
Which two forms always have an accent in regular preterite conjugations?
Yo & Él/Ella/Usted
In the Spanish preterite Yo form, verbs that end in...
-car become ______
-gar become ______
-zar become ______
-car become qué
-gar become gué
-zar become cé
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Ellos + ser
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Ella + andar
Ella anduvo
Translate to Spanish:
What did you do?
¿Qué hiciste?
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Yo + dormir
Yo dormí
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Mi familia + vivir
Conjugate the verbs in the preterite:
Yo no ___________ (organizar) mi cuarto porque ___________ (jugar) en el parque con mis amigos.
Yo no organicé (organizar) mi cuarto porque jugué (jugar) en el parque con mis amigos.
Translate the following to Spanish:
I went to the park.
Yo fui al parque.
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Nosotros _____________ (ponerse) los trajes de baño y fuimos a la playa.
Nosotros nos pusimos los trajes de baño y fuimos a la playa.
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Ellas + producir
Ellas produjeron
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Ellos + mentir
Ellos mintieron
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Vosotros + prestar
Translate to Spanish:
I looked for it
Yo lo busqué
Translate this sentence to SPANISH:
They gave us
Ellos nos dieron
Translate to Spanish, using the preterite U verb:
She found out.
Ella supo.
Translate the following sentence to SPANISH:
I told you the truth!
¡Yo te dije la verdad!
Conjugate the verb in the preterite:
Él + leer
Respond to the question in a complete Spanish sentence:
¿Qué comió tu familia anoche?
Mi familia comió...
Nosotros comimos...
Yo comí... pero mi familia comió...
Translate this sentence to SPANISH:
To prepare for the test, I did not play soccer yesterday. I memorized the conjugations and prayed I would get a good grade.
Para prepararme para el examen, yo no jugué al fútbol. Yo memoricé las conjugaciones y recé para sacar una nota alta.
Translate this sentence to SPANISH:
I saw her last night.
Translate to Spanish, using a preterite U verb:
Miguel did not fit in the car.
Miguel no cupo en el automóvil.
Translate the following sentence to SPANISH:
He tried, but he did not do it.
Él quiso, pero no lo hizo.
Translate to Spanish:
My parents constructed the house of their dreams last year.
Hace un año, mis padres construyeron la casa de sus sueños.