The direct object pronoun for "agua".
What is mezcle?
I was in Spanish - 2 answers and when to use each.
Fui, estuve
Translate: I want to eat roasted chicken.
What is Yo quiero comer pollo asado.
Replace the direct object in the sentence: Yo veo a la televisión.
What is Yo la veo?
What is hierva?
The preterite form of to buy for he/she.
What is compró?
The question for "How much does it cost?".
What is Cuánto cuesta?
Where do you use a dop with the verb comer?
What is before the verb?
What is Haga la sopa?
Translate: I went shopping yesterday and I bought everything.
What is Yo fui de compras ayer y compré todo?
Translate: ¿Tienes esto en otra talla?
What is Do you have this in another size?
Translate & replace the do: Ella compra el libro.
What is Ella lo compra?
Translate & replace with DOP: Don't put the onion.
What is No la eche/ponga?
Translate: Ayer, fueron a la restaurante La Plaza Fiesta, y ella pido los tamales.
What is Yesterday they went to the restaurant La Plaza Fiesta and she ordered the tamales.
Translate & replace: I ate rice for supper last night.
What is Yo lo comí para la cena anoche?
Create a positive usted command sentence & then rewrite with a DOP.
Mezcle las patatas. Mézclelas.
Translate: My mom washed the dishes last night and my sister cleaned her room.
What is Mi madre lavó los platos anoche y mi hermana limpió su dormitorio.
Translate: I have to do the dishes.
Yo tengo que lavar los platos.