No estoy enfermo. Estoy ____.
sano / saludable
Where does the DO go in Spanish?
Before a conjugated verb, Attached to a command or infinitive, Before a negative command.
What question do IOPs answer?
To / For whom
When you need to use both together, which comes first?
IOP comes first
(people before things)
What is the only mandato that is not in the subjunctive? How do you make them?
Affirmative tú commands, use the he/she/ud. form.
Con dolor de cabeza, necesitas ___.
They gave it (The injection)
Ellos _____ pusieron
Ellos la pusieron
I gave her the pills.
_______ di las pastillas.
Le (a ella)
In what situation do you need a 'se'?
When both the iop and dop begin with l, change the iop to se.
You can't le lo
Informal - Take the aspirin!
¡Toma la asperina!
El doctor da una ____ para antibióticos.
He broke it. (the bone)
Él _______ rompió
I gave the bandaid to you. (IOP only)
_____ di la curita.
We give the crutches to you. Full sentence.
Te las damos.
Señor Paz, eat the pizza!
¡Coma la pizza!
Me duele la garganta y tengo tos. Necesito ____.
I saw her. - Full sentence answer.
La vi.
He passes (pasar) the bandage to me.
Full sentence w/ IOP.
Me pasa la venda.
I bought antibiotics for them. Full sentence.
Se los compré.
Informal - Don't stay in bed. (quedarse en cama)
No te quedes en cama.
No puedo ___. Necesito medicina.
I sold it. (the medicine) - Full sentence answer!
La vendí.
He bought the antibiotics for her. Full sentence w/ IOP.
Le compró los antibióticos (a ella)
Did she write him a prescription?
¿Se la escribió?
Sr. y Sra. Rivera, (sentirse e-ie) mejor.
Siéntanse mejor.