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Spa Careers
A day in the life of a Spa Director
Leadership and Ethics
What do vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (water) make up in Ayurvedic medicine
What is doshas
What is it called when the initiation fee and associated direct costs are recognized on the spa income statement over the weighted average life of the membership?
What is the deferral method
What spa profession typically holds several certifications for a variety of treatment modalities and can test other service providers during an interview or training session?
What is leas spa profession
This type of spa typically charges guests a rate that includes all meals, programs and a set number of treatments?
What is a destination spa
Which management function involves recruiting applicants and hiring those best qualified
What is staffing
What type of massage technique, also called tapotement, involves drumming, patting, or rapping on the body?
What is percussion
What is the most significant contributor to revenue?
What is the treatment rooms
This future spa career will specialize in working with specific population segments and providing value-added services for their clients?
What is age-specific specialists
The amount of time a day spa director typically inputs employee commissions and payroll records
What is weekly
Personal humility and professionalism are the traits necessary for a Level ____________ leader?
What is a level five leader
What type of energy work is done on a floor mat while the client remains clothed and works to open the body's meridians to free their energy by using stretches, massage strokes, and body movements?
What is Thai
What is the most important cost ratio in the spa business?
What is service payroll to service revenue
What is an unpaid job performed in order to get career experience in a given field?
What is an internship
Amenities, par levels inventory are part of?
What is Product Stocking
What type of intelligence is being used to control breathing, circulation, and fighting disease?
What is spirtual
What sort of gentle massage technique focuses on the body's network of one-way capillaries that collect fluids from tissue spaces and move them into one of two main lymph ducts and back into the blood?
What is manual lymphatic drainage
On what report are all revenue and costs recorded?
What is statement of income
This spa profession typically requires the most training hours in order to achieve a license
What is cosmetologist
What type of information can a resort spa director find on a hotel occupancy forecast
What is list of groups that will be in house
What can be described as choosing the better choice between two rights
What is ethics
In what bodywork technique does the client lie passively on a massage table while the therapist moves him or her in ways they would naturally move, creating the feeling that the client is moving effortlessly on his or her own?
What is the Trager Technique
What will many resort spas charge guests a 'day use fee' for?
What is fitness facility use
This type of employee arrangement might a cruise ship or seasonal resort require from a spa professional
What is a contracted wage
To find out whether the spa is on target to meet its budget for the month, a spa director should review this type of report
What is night clerk summary report
This term is used to describe levels of supplies or products needed to have sufficient stock on hand until the next delivery?
What is par levels