Hepatitis is caused by
A virus
Making a false statement on an esthetic application can result in a maximum fine amount of
Colorless jelly like substance found inside cells
A unit of electrical pressure?
Another name for stratum germinativum
Stratum Basale
Pus forming bacteria that grows in cluster similar to a bunch of grapes
_______ is the physical removal of all visibledust, soil, and any other foreign materials from an object
Muscle that covers the top of the nose, pulls down the eyebrows and causes the skin to wrinkle in between them is
Instrument used to measure the rate of flow of an electric current?
Milliampere Meter
This sweat gland primary function is thermoregulation
Eccrine glands
Tools are submerged in disinfectant for ___ if no time is specified
10 minutes
Hospital grade disinfectants must be registered by
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency
Joins all the cranial bones together
A substance that is a good electrical insulator?
The nail is also known as the
Powerful tuberculocidal disinfectants has high ph, contains formaldehyde and can cause damage to skin and eyes
Phenolic Disinfectants
A substance that can cause an acute or chronic illness can be classified as
Broad muscle that covers the top of the skull. Also known as the occipitofrontalis
Substances that readily transmit electric current
What does an esthetician have to do if they do not renew their license within 5 years of expiration
Retake written exam
What type of nerves is the trochlear, abducent and accessory nerves
Name of pulsed/interrupted current that cause mechanical muscle contractions rather than chemical reactions