irregularly shaped fragments of rocks that orbit the sun.
An icy body that releases gas or dust
Once a meteor survives its course in the atmosphere and hits the ground, what is it termed?
A time when radiation dominated over matter
radiation era
The time when matter overpowered radiation
Matter era
The region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
Main belt asteroids
The main, solid part of the comet
Are boulders and rocks in space
During this the last two forces electromagnetic and weak nuclear finally split off
Electroweak epoch
The formation of clusters of atoms which happened during the galactic epoch became the seedlings of what?
The largest asteroid known
He correctly predicted the reappearance of a comet seen in 1683
Edmond Halley
This is the rarest of all types of meteoroids
During this time the universe's temperature cooled down enough for electrons to attach to nuclei for the first time.
Atomic epoch
What are the three epochs that take place in the matter era?
Galactic, atomic, and stellar epoch.
Orbits that approach Earth that are located outside the main asteroid belt
Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs)
A halo of vaporated gas and dust that surround the nucleus
When a meteoroid enters earth's atmosphere it burns up and appears like a blazing rock called what?
During this, all the universe's ingredients were presented
Quark epoch
The formation of these stars queued the latest and current stage of the universe's development called the what?
Stellar epoch
The three types of Asteroids
C-type, S-type, or M-type.
A comet has two tails. what are those two tails?
Gas tail and dust tail
This is the most common type of meteorite
This is known as the quark freezeout, the universe cooled down enough for quarks to bind together and form protons and neutrons.
Hadron epoch
Hydrogen, along with helium atoms, dotted the universe with what?
Atomic clouds