What shape is the Moon?
What is Yutu?
A rover on the Moon.
What is the surface temperature?
10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
What planet is named after the goddess of beauty?
What is the Greenhouse effect?
When a planet's atmosphere traps heat, causing the body to heat up rapidly.
What is the first spaceship to land on the Moon? (Humans inside)
Apollo 11
When was Perseverance sent to Mars?
What is a sunspot?
Cooler regions of the Sun's surface.
What planets have/had life once?
Mars and Earth.
What animal is Ursa Major?
A bear.
How many cores does the Moon have?
How many feet did Sojourner travel? (You can round to the nearest hundreds)
330 ft (Also 300 if rounded).
What was the first orbiter for the Sun?
Pioneer 5.
Which planet has the smallest moon?
Saturn - Mimas.
Is the Oort Cloud flexible?
What is Hadley Rille?
A steep-sided valley on the Moon.
When was Spirit launched?
January 2004.
Core Temperature:
27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
How much of the solar system do the planets take up?
How many years does Comet Halley come back?
Every 76-79 years.
Trick Question: What does the Moon smell like?
Spent gunpowder.
Trick Question: How many rovers are there in space?
17 rovers.
Trick Question: How much of the Sun is hydrogen? (Nearest number rounded.)
Trick question: What does TNO stand for?
Trans-Neptunian object.
Trick Question: Which planet contains the most oxygen?