The largest planet in our solar system?
What is Jupiter
The most common constellation?
Which is the ursa major
The ISS stand for?
Which is the international space station
The country who made the first space tech?
The Soviet Union
THE first astronaut to land on the moon ?
Who is Neil armstrong
PLanet that has the most moons?
What is Saturn
THe hardest constellation to see?
Which is draco
The sport field that is the same size as the ISS?
Which is an football field
THe date when the first space tech go in space?
When is 1957
The first woman astronaut who went to space?
Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova
The planet has the most volcanoes?
What is Venus
Which is hydro
How many astronauts are on the ISS at once?
Seven people
What is the largest man made space tech that went in space?
Which is the ISS
Who was the oldest astronaut who went in space?
who is John glenn
The two planets has no moons?
Which are Mercury and Venus
The brightest constellation?
Which is the canis Major
When did the ISS start?
How much is one space suit?
1.3 billion per suit
Who was the first astronaut to go to SPACE
Yuri Gagarin
The year that Pluto got reclassified as a dwarf planet?
The top three most common constellations ?
Which is Ursa major, Leo, cygnus
The arm that is connected to the ISS?
THe space tech that went farest in space?
Which is the voyager 1
The astronaut who spent the longest in space?