What phase occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, and the side facing Earth is dark?
New Moon
How long does it take for Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun?
1 year
What is the length of time it takes Earth to complete one rotation?
24 hours
What causes a lunar eclipse?
The Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon.
Which galaxy is our solar system located in?
The Milky Way galaxy.
During which phase does the Moon appear to be completely illuminated from Earth's view?
Full Moon
What causes the different seasons on Earth?
The tilt of Earth's axis
For extra 100pt
The tilt of Earth's axis AS it revolves around the Sun.
Which direction does Earth rotate around its axis?
During a solar eclipse, what celestial body blocks sunlight from reaching Earth?
The Moon
What was the event that marked the beginning of the universe?
The Big Bang
What is the term for the Moon getting bigger, or more lit up, in its phases?
What season is it in the Northern Hemisphere during June, July, and August?
What is the term for Earth's movement around the Sun?
What causes high and low tides on Earth?
The moon and the Sun
OR The gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun.
What is the study of the universe called?
What phase occurs when the Moon’s lit side is decreasing, or becoming less visible?
The imaginary line on which Earth rotates
What happens during Earth's rotation?
Day and Night
One half of the Earth experiences daylight, and the other half experiences nighttime.
Which planet is known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance?
What is the term for a meteor that strikes Earth's surface?
The objects that compose our solar system vary in size. What is the largest object in our solar system?
the sun
Galaxies are large groups of millions, billions, or even trillions of stars. What would you claim keeps the stars in a galaxy from moving away from each other?
Which planet has a great red spot, which is a giant storm that has been raging for centuries
What is a light-year used to measure?
The distance that light travels in one year.