What is the star at the center of our solar system
The sun
what is the third planet from the sun
what is the outside part of a black hole
Event Horizon
Who came up with the idea of gravity
Isaac Newton
What does a small star turn into once it dies
planetary nebula or white dwarf are correct
DAILY DOUBLE what was the first planet discovered by the use of a telescope
who came up with the theory that black holes emit radiation
Stephen Hawking
who came up with the big bang theory
Georges Lemaitre
what is the hottest color of stars
how many planets are there in our solar system (including dwarf planets)
what do black holes start as
pretty much anything
how many of the main scientific forces are there
What is the closest star to us (other than the sun)
Proxima Centuri
what is the farthest dwarf plant from the sun
What is the black hole at the center of our galaxy
Sagittarius A
DAILY DOUBLE what is the strongest scientific force
The Strong Nuclear Force
how many stars are there in our solar system
Who came up with the idea of Planet X
Percival Lowell
what is the closest black hole to our solar system
Gaia BH1
who came up with the theory of relativity
Albert Einstien