A natural display of coloured lights in Earth's sky?
What are Auroras?
List 4 different astronomical phenomena learned about in this unit.
What are: seasons, changes in daylight, solstices, equinoxes, phases of the Moon, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, auroras?
What are the two solstices? Explain them.
What are summer and winter? Summer Solstice is the date each year with the most daylight hours. Winter Solstice is the date each year with the least daylight hours.
What is the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and rearing of animals to provide food or products?
What is Agriculture?
What is the Sun?
Each of the four times of the year identified by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the Earth's changing position around the Sun.
What are Seasons?
Describe a lunar eclipse.
What is an astronomical event that occurs when the Moon is located in the Earth's shadow. The Sun, Moon, and Earth must be lined up perfectly for this to happen. During a lunar eclipse, the moon might "disappear", or appear red?
What months are the two equinoxes in? (need both for points)
What is March and September?
Explain how the seasons affect how we live our lives.
We do different things based on the season. Winter - skiing, sledding, snowshoeing, etc. Summer - Swimming outside, hiking, walks, drive to school instead of walk.
Where in the world doesn't see much change in daylight or temperatures?
What is the equator?
The dates (twice each year) when day and night are of equal length.
What are Equinoxes?
Describe a solar eclipse.
What is an astronomical event that occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth in perfect alignment to block the Sun's light. The Moon casts a shadow on Earth. Only some places on earth will be in the shadow and experience darkness?
In which season does the Sun take a shorter path across the sky?
What is Winter?
How is agriculture related to astronomical phenomena?
Generally crops are planted in the spring after the snow melts and weather warms up, they grow throughout the summer and are harvested in the fall before it gets too cold and the morning frosts start.
Happening as a complete set of events that repeat themselves regularly in the same order or in a regularly repeated period of time.
What is Cyclically?
Describe the Auroras.
What are natural displays of coloured lights in Earths sky. They look like they are moving or dancing. They are most commonly green but also pink, blue, red, purple can occur. Happen when electrons collide with different molecules?
In North America it is Summer. Name some changes we see during this season and some ways that the Earth is located in relation to the sun.
-Long days
-Short nights
-Warm/Hot temperatures
-Tilted towards the Sun
-Summer Solstice
How is hunting, trapping and fishing related to astronomical phenomena?
Methods and animals hunted vary based on the season, and hunting certain animals might be more successful at certain times of day or the year. (mating seasons, fishing more in summer vs winter, etc)
How many days in the moon cycle?
What is one month/27 days?
An astronomical event that occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth in perfect alignment to block the Sun's light.
What is a Solar Eclipse?
Names of the auroras in northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere? (4 different names in total)
What are the Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis, Southern Lights, Aurora Australis?
Why longer and shorter days are experienced at different times of the year in northern and southern hemispheres.
What is: due to the Earth's tilt, the angle of the Sun changes with the seasons. When the northern hemisphere experiences one season, the southern hemisphere experiences the opposite? Ex. When Canada has summer, Australia is experiencing winter.
How does astronomical phenomena affect our calendar?
The calendar consists of 12 months and 28-31 days. This is based on the fact that the Earth takes 365 1/4 to rotate around the Sun.
Name all 8 Moon Cycles in order.
What is New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third/Final Quarter, Waning Crescent.