Weather, Climate, Water, Atmosphere
Space & Movement
Formations, Shadows, & Time
Sedimentary Rock, Fossils, Fuels
Emergency Points Needed

This is the layer of the atmosphere where we find planes and the ozone.



What is the 6th planet from the Sun?



The image below shows a fire hydrant, its shadow, and a baseball. Right after sunrise, the tip of the fire hydrant’s shadow covers the baseball.


When is the next time the tip of the fire hydrant’s shadow will cover the baseball?

when the Earth completes one full rotation


Based on the way that fossils are formed, where are fossils most likely to be found?

buried deep underground


The table below describes two objects in the solar system.

Object 1

  • Object 1 has a hot core
    made of solid and melted

Object 2

  • Object 2 orbits Object 1.

Object 1: Earth
Object 2: the Moon


Name all the planets in order starting with the planet closest to the Sun.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


The passage of water vapor from a plant to the atmosphere

Transpiration (plant sweat)


Separating the inner and outer planets in our Solar System is a large asteroid belt. An asteroid is a large rock that is too small to be a planet. Which inner planet is closest to the asteroid belt?



Look at the two images below. Image 1 is a student’s photo of a tree and its shadow. Image 2 models what the Earth and sun looked like when the student took the photo. In Image 2, the tree is marked by a red X.


What time of day is most likely represented by the images above?

4 PM


In the diagram, each bubble represents a step in the formation of sedimentary rock. Look at the bubble containing the question mark. In the formation of sedimentary rock, which step is next after deposition?

Compaction and Cementation


When air warms up, it causes water vapor to form. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is called



Earth revolves around the Sun in an __________, not a circle.

Ellipse (oval, but ellipse is the desired answer)


Does this picture show Weather or Climate?

For double points, explain why.

Climate. Climate because the chart shows rainfall in a city over 30 years.


Our planet is closest to the Sun during which month?



The deposition of sediments carried by rivers results in the formation of



Melody found a fossil of a fish in the desert.

What can Melody learn about the desert's past from the fossil?

The fish shows Melody that the desert was once an ancient ocean, lake, or river.


Give the uses of these 3 weather tools.

1. Anemometer

2. Thermometer

3. Wind Vane

1. Measures wind speed

2. Measures air temperature

3. Measures wind direction


Name all the labeled steps of the Water Cycle:

Step A: Heat energy from the Sun

Step B: Evaporation

Step C: Condensation

Step D: Precipitation

Step E: Run-off


A low pressure system is moving into the area, should Bella bring sunscreen or an umbrella to the park?

She needs an umbrella. Low pressure systems come with wet, cloudy weather.


Look at the list of landforms:

1. Mountains
2. Lakes
3. Plains
4. Valleys
5. Craters
6. River deltas

Which of these would be found on both Earth and the Moon?

Items 1, 3, 4, and 5 only


Look at the two landforms below.


What must happen before either of these landforms can begin to form?

the weathering and erosion of rock and other materials


Explain the differences between nonrenewable energy sources such as oil products and renewable energy sources like hydroelectric and solar energy sources.

(Give at least two differences)

(Possible answer): Nonrenewable energy sources such as oil products take millions of years to form while renewable energy sources like hydroelectric and solar energy renew everyday. Nonrenewable energy is often toxic to the environment while renewable energy is clean energy. 


Many parts of the earth experience four seasons each year. What causes the changes in the seasons?

The tilt of the Earth on its axis.


A group of students are doing an experiment. They gather 5 flower pots and fill them with equal amounts of either sand, silt, gravel, clay, and loam. The students then place a tomato seed in each pot and water them equally each day.
Which property of soils are the students most likely examining with their experiment?

The effect soil type has on plant growth


If the amount of energy reaching the Earth from the Sun decreases, what immediate effect would this have on the water cycle?

Less water would evaporate, causing less rainfall to occur


The Earth rotates from ______ to _____, giving rise to the apparent motion of the Sun each day.

west to east


Jared’s front door has four small windows. He notices the sun shining through the top-right window. But after 30 minutes, he can no longer see the sun through the window.

A diagram of this is shown below.

Which of the following best explains why the sun disappears from the top-right window?

the Earth’s rotation


A team of archaeologists excavating a sedimentary rock layer come across some primitive hunting tools used by early humans. As the dig progresses, they unearth the fossilized remains of a dinosaur from another layer of the sedimentary rock. Why do these discoveries indicate that the rocks were formed over millions of years?

Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years before humans appeared.


If you were to observe a handful of soil, what materials would you MOST LIKELY find? 

(Name two things)

weathered rock and decomposed organic remains


In the water cycle, most of the global evaporation of water into Earth's atmosphere occurs over the oceans. Water evaporates from the surface of the ocean, mostly in warm, cloud-free subtropical seas. This water vapor is carried by the atmosphere, condenses as clouds, and falls as rain far from where it evaporated. Scientists predict that Earth's average annual temperatures will continue to rise.

What impact will this have on the water cycle as described here?

Warmer temperatures mean greater evaporation, more clouds, and an increase in the average annual precipitation.
