Another name for gaseous planets.
What are Jovian or outer planets?
Fragments of meteors that reach the earth's surface
What is a meteorite?
These are made of ice and dust and leave a visible tail as they travel.
What are comets?
Point to location
What a supergiant (large mass star) becomes at the end of its life.
What is black hole or neutron star?
distance from the earth to the sun
What is an Astronomical Unit?
This element is the primary fuel source in stars and is necessary for nuclear fusion
What is hydrogen?
A star located at altitude 75 and azimuth 90 is located at approximately which location in the classroom?
Point to the location
the planets that are farther away from the sun.
What are jovian/outer/gaseous planets?
Separates the inner and outer planets of our solar system.
What is the asteroid belt?
Star left at the core of a red giant (average mass star).
What is White Dwarf?
The planets that are closer to the sun.
What is Terrestrial/inner?
This planet's moons were observed by Galileo using his telescope
What is Jupiter?
A star located at altitude 10 and azimuth 100 is located at approximately which location in the classroom?
Point to the location