It is known as the "Red Planet" It is the 4th planet away from the sun. What am I?
I am Mars!
It takes _____ days for the Moon to travel all the way around the Earth.
The Sun is made of super-hot, electrically charged gas called what?
Stars are giant balls of what?
hot gas
Comets have what when they heat up and it is why we call comets, shooting stars. What am I?
Comets have tails.
I am known as the "Blue Planet" I am the only planet that has life and liquid water. I am the 3rd planet from the sun. What am I?
I am the Earth!
The Moon is a lot ___ from the sun
Equator circumference is what on the sun?
Every star has its own what?
Life cycle.
There are four “parts” to a comet
The nucleus, coma, dust tail, and ion tail
I am the 7th planet from the sun. I am made of ice and I am one of the giant planets. What am I?
I am Uranus!
There is ___ on the moon
Radius is what on the sun?
There are ____ Stars in the galaxy.
9,096 visible
Like planets, some comets orbit the what?
I am the 1st planet from the sun. I was named after Roman god Mercurius, god of commerce and communication. What am I?
I am Mercury!
The Moon was made when a ____ smash into the Earth
Temperature is what on the sun?
5,973°C to 15,000,000°C
You can only see about ____ stars on a very dark night
2,000 stars
Halley's Comet, the most famous of these weird wanderers, drops by Earth every___ years
75 years.
I am the 6th planet from the sun. I am 95 times bigger than Earth. I am the second largest planet after Jupiter. What am I?
I am Saturn!
he Moon controls the what?
Average orbital speed around the Milky Way is what?
Stars are usually between ___ and____ billion years old
1 and 10 billion years old.
As of 2019, there are ____ known comets