They drive the formation and development of stars
What do Gravity Nuclear Fusion Do?
a huge collection of gas dust and billions of stars
What is a galaxy?
Layer of the sun's atmosphere just above the solar surface
What is the chromosphere?
They are held together by a strong gravitational force
What are the gasses within stars held together?
The earliest stage in the radiation era where no matter existed
What is the Planck epch
Clouds of Dust and Gas in space
What is a Nebula
it is equivalent to 9.46 trillion km
What is one light year in km?
A sudden explosion of energy near sunspots
What is a solar flare?
These stars are a red color
What color are hot stars
The dominance of radiation over matter ended
What happens when nucleosynthesis takes place
It is the stage where helium atoms fuse to form carbon atoms and the star's outer parts grow bigger and drift into space.
What is the Planetary Nebula Stage?
They are the largest satellite galaxies in the Milky Way
What are the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud
Bright lights in the sky triggered by CMEs
What is an Aurora?
What is a spectroscopy
The current stage of the Universe
What stage is the stellar epoch
It is a powerful explosion that can light up the sky for weeks
What is a Supernova?
contain as few as 100 million stars
What are dwarf galaxies
A major disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere
What is a geomagnetic storm
The stars brightness as seen from earth
What is apparent brightness?
The universe was piping hot and it churned with electrons and quarks
What happened in the inflationary epoch
The core of a massive star 1.5 to 4 times the size of the sun turns out as this.
what turns into a neutron star
It has lots of dust and many young stars
What is a characteristic of the Milky involving its composition?
This is the result of the density difference between the sun's two-component gases.
Why is the sun composed of several layers beneath its surface?
Smallest know star
What is a neutron star
The universe's ability to form elements, or the building blocks of matter
What queued the matter era?