how many planets are there in our solar system(excluding dwarf planets)?
what is the name of our star
sun, helios, solar, sol, etc.
what is a black hole?
a object that has a extreme mass and can absorb matter into a singularity at its center.
what is a neutron star
a ultra dense star that formed after a supernova
what is a light year
how far light travels in a year
how many planets are there in our solar system(including dwarf plants)? and could you name all of them
13 (mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, eris, ceres, makemake, and haumea).
how many stars are in the milky way?
100 billion stars
what would happen if a black holes the mass of the sun replaced the sun?
nothing would happen except the slow freezing of earth due to no sunlight.
what is a pular
a neutron star that spins 716 times per second.
what is a event horizon
the point of no return in a black hole
what is a hycean planet?
what type of star is the sun?
a G-type main sequence.
what is the largest black hole?
what is a magnetar
a neutron star with a really strong magnetic field.
how far is the speed of light
9.5 billion km
what is a hot jupiter?
a gas giant to close to its host star making it have extreme temperatures.
what will our sun turn into in 4.5-5 billion years
a white dwarf star
what is the closest black hole to earth
Gaia BH1, 1500 light years away.
what is the black hole at the center of the universe?
Sagatarius A*
what is a iron planet
a planet entirely made of iron
what is a super puff
a jupiter size gas giant with a really low density.
what is a black dwarf star
a star that has puffed off its outer layers and cooled after a very long time (after quadrillions of years)
what are the different types of black holes?
supermassive, stellar, and intermidiate.
what is a kugelblitz
a focus of heat, radiation or light so dense that it forms a event horizon
the eventual end of the universe in a incomprehensible amount of time.