whats the order of the planets
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
what are the belts
the juniper belt and the astroid belt
what is the star we are orbiting
the sun
what is the galaxy we are in
the milky way
what is the moon we have orbiting us
the moon
what is the Greek name of the planets easy
Hermes Aphrodite earth ares Zeus Cronus Uranus and Poseidon
whats the difference of asteroids and meteorites
asteroids are just big rocks in space and meteorites are asteroids that fall into earth
how fast does sunlight go
300 thousand kilometers per second
whats the center of the milky way
a big black hole
how long does it take for the moon to orbit the earth
31 days
how many planets were in 2003
what is the name of the biggest astroid
where did the word sun came from
an old English word called sunne
what is the temperature of the milky way
100,000 - 1 million degrees celsius
when did we land on the moon
we never did because this class never landed on the moon
what is the mass of juipiter
1.898 x 10^27 kg
how many meteorites are in the asteroid belt
1.1 to 1.9 million
what would happen if you go to the suns surface for a nano second
how many stars are in the milky way
100 billion stars
how big is the biggest moon compare to planets
bigger than mercury smaller than all the other planets
what is the planet that made the moon hint it is the size of mars
where did the meteore that killed the dinosaurs land hint its on the earth
how many atoms are in the sun
1.201 x 1057 atoms
what will happen in 5 billion years in the milky way
the sun will become a red giant and engulf the earth and the milky way will collide to the galaxy Andromeda and create milky dromeda
how many moons are in the solar system