The Sun is quite large! Approximately this many earths could fit inside of it.
a) 100
b) 1000
c) 100,000
d) 1,000,000
d) 1,000,000
This is the closest planet to the Sun; its year is around 88 Earth days, and one day on this planet is 59 Earth days! It is named after the Roman god of messaging and travel
You definitely need to be wearing one of these if you plan on going into outer space! *Hint* I have to put this on over my whole body.
A Space suit.
These were the first two astronauts to step foot on the Moon!!!
Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin
The phenomenon where particles from the sun interact with gases in the Earth's atmosphere around northern parts of the world, resulting in stunning displays of light and colour, is more commonly referred to as what?
The Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights
The Sun is not a "Sun" per say, but in scientific terms, it is actually a what?
A Star
This planet is the hottest in the solar system, sitting around 465*C on the surface. Its size is very similar to Earth, and it is named after the Roman god of love.
Astronomers for years have been using these to observe space from the ground, what are they called?
This Russian cosmonaut was the first ever woman in space!!
Valentina Tereshkova
Collections of stars in the night sky that form different shapes and figures are called what?
The Sun is mostly comprised of two elements, what are they??
Hydrogen and Helium
This red planet is about half the size of earth, it has two moons (Phobos & Deimos) and is named after the Roman god of war.
These are the machines driving around on the surface of Mars taking pictures!
He was the first human to ever go into space on April 12, 1961!!!
Yuri Gagarin
A galaxy is a massive collection of stars, planets and solar systems; what is the one we're in called?
The Milky Way
True or False, the Sun contains over 99% of all the mass in the solar system
This blue planet, one of the two ice giants, is known for its axis of rotation being almost completely sideways! It is also named after the Greek god of the sky
This rocket model was used during the Apollo missions.
a) The Saturn V
b) The Pegasus XL
c) The Falcon 9
d) The Atlas V
a) The Saturn V!
An engineer, physician, and NASA astronaut. She became the first African-American woman to travel into space!!
Mae Jemison
A cloud of dust and gas floating throughout space. It is where stars come from!
The sun is *this* many miles away from the earth
a) 20 million
b) 1 billion
c) 93 million
d) 420 million
c) 93 million!!!
This planet has More than 60 moons! It is also the largest planet in the solar system and has a storm on it that has been raging for over 300 years! It is named after the Roman god of the sky
This is the first man-made satellite ever put into orbit. It was made by the Soviets and was launched in 1957!
One of the 3 hidden figures of NASA, she performed trajectory calculations for the first NASA astronaut in space. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom at age 97!! Which was also when she retired!
Katherine Johnson
This giant ring is at the outermost part of our solar system's orbit. It contains plenty of asteroids, comets and even dwarf planets!
The Kuiper Belt