What moon phase is this?
Full Moon
A black hole
The Sun is a _______?
How many moons does Earth have?
What is the name of the galaxy we live in?
Milky Way
Approximately how old is the Universe?
13 billion years old
How long does a rotation of the earth around it's axis take?
about 24 hours.
What is a small rocky body orbiting the sun?
True or false:
Jupiter has 94 moons
False. It has 95 :)
What year did the first man walk on the moon?
A. 1935
B. 1960
C. 1968
D. 1980
What is the largest planet in our solar system.
What is the only other planet in our solar system that we believe could sustain life?
What is the Hubble?
A. spacecraft
B. telescope
C. robotic space rover
What is the closest object to Earth
What phase of the moon is shown here?
New Moon
Which planet has the most moons?
Saturn, it 145 moons.
Jupiter only has 95.
the Earth rotating on it's axis, making a revolution around the sun.
Outside of the sun, what is the closest star to Earth?
Alpha Centuari
What are the "rock planets"
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
Which planet rotates on its axis the fastest?
Jupiter: 10 Earth hours
What is the name for the path that a planet takes around the Sun?
A. Orbit
B. Path
C. Planetary Route
How many stars are in the Milky Way?
100 Billion
One revolution or a complete trip of Earth around the sun. How much time does that take EXACTLY? (Include days, and hours)
365 days and 6 hours