A large, round object in outer space that orbits a star
You are exploring a planet in space! You take a big leap and jump as high as a skyscraper! Does this planet have more or less gravity than Earth?
Less gravity
If you took a spaceship through our solar system, would the sun look brighter on Mercury or Saturn?
The sun is not a star
How many Taylor Swift Albums have not been rerecorded as Taylor’s Version?
An invisible force that pulls any object down, toward the center of a planet
When a planet has more gravity than Earth, do you multiply or divide your average?
If a spacecraft is exploring our solar system, would the sun look the dimmest on Earth or Neptune?
The Sun will appear like a small, dim star when viewed from Neptune because it is so far away
When does the OG Fortnite Map Return?
December 6th
All the planets and other objects that orbit around a star
Solar System
The larger the planet, the more or less gravity?
What form of energy are space rovers powered by?
Solar Power
Gravity has a pattern. The direction it pulls objects is always “down” when down means toward the center of the Earth.
What is the current record Buffalo Bills this season? (W-L)
Circling another object, like the Earth around the Sun
Orbit or Revolve
Does the moon have more or less gravity than Earth?
After measuring the sun’s brightness in our solar system with flashlights, what other information did we consider before we chose which planet to send our rover to?
Nighttime hours of each planet
The Earth rotates around the sun
What is Miss M's favorite color?