The first person to walk on the moon
Who is Neil Armstrong?
The star closest to the Earth
What is the sun?
What the acronym "UFO" stands for
What is Unidentified Flying Object?
Franchise about aliens who lived "in a galaxy far, far away"
What is Star Wars?
Name of the person facilitating your library program
What is Evie?
What the acronym "NASA" stands for
What is National Aeronautics and Space Administration?
The galaxy we live in
What is the Milky Way Galaxy?
Name for the mysterious formations aliens supposedly create by flattening standing crops (corn, wheat, etc.) into patterns or designs.
What is crop circles? (crop formation or corn circle also accepted)
Name of the toy space ranger in Disney's Toy Story.
What is Buzz Lightyear?
Number of physical library buildings in Guernsey County
What is three?
World's first satellite launched into space
What is Sputnik?
The path traveled by a celestial body in space (also a brand of chewing gum)
What is an orbit?
Ancient civilization that is often associated with aliens having helped them build pyramids
What is Egypt?
fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes
What is science fiction?
Number of teen lock-ins held at the library every year
What is three?
Name of the band whose co-founding member Brian May earned a PhD in astronomy
What is Queen?
The number of planets in our solar system
What is eight?
Secret U.S. Air Force Base that is the center of many extraterrestrial conspiracy theories
What is Area 51?
Short story by H.G. Wells that centers around an alien invasion.
What is "War of the Worlds?"
Number of books that can be checked out on a library card at one time
What is 100 books?