When a part of the earth is closest to the sun, what season are they experiencing
What is the name of our galaxy?
The Milky Way
What was once a planet, now considered a Dwarf Planet?
Earth's closest star
What is the sun
What star is closest to Earth?
The Sun!
What do we call the movement of the Earth around the Sun?
The gravitational pull is measured in what unit?
What is Newtons
Which planet has the most moons (hint: it's one of the outer planets)
What is Saturn (it has about 146 confirmed moons)
Term for a group/pattern of stars
What is a constellation
What is the name of our galaxy?
Milky Way
The spinning of the earth around it's axis is called
What is the name of the ancient tool used tell the time?
A sundial
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
What is the only other planet in our solar system that is believed to be able to sustain life?
What is the name of the event that started the universe?
The Big Bang
How long does a rotation of the Earth around its axis take?
About 24 hours
One revolution around the sun on Earth is how long?
365 days
How many planets in our solar system
what is 8
What is a phrase you can use to remember the order of the planets
Answer may vary: M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N
How do you say Sun and Stars in French
soleil et étoiles
What motion causes us to see different stars at different times of the year
Earths orbit around the sun
Revolution around sun
Along with revolution around the sun, this causes the Earth to have 4 seasons:
The tilt of the axis (about 23.5 degrees)
This planet has the greatest tilt
What is the name for the path that a planet takes around the Sun?
When the moon blocks the light from the sun we call it:
Solar eclipse (April 8th 2024)