A. How long does it take for a rotation?
B. For a Revolution?
A. 24 hrs or a day
B. 365.25 or A year
What planet is this - HINT: it's hot!
Give two words to describe the outer planets.
Gas, giant, icy, far away, etc.
How many days does it take for all the phases of the moon?
28 Days
What pull the tides in and out on Earth?
The Moon
What number planet is Mercury?
The first planet closest to the sun
What does this show?
The earth's tilt during the different seasons
What is it called when groups of stars are given a name?
A costellation
True or False: Our sun is the biggest and hottest star in our galaxy.
The sun is a small star but it looks big to us this is because....
It is closest to Earth
This is the largest planet in our solar system has a storm shaped like a hexagon. What is this planet?
Jupiter (the great red spot)
What is found BETWEEN the inner planets and the outer planets?
The asteroid belt
True or False
The Asteroid belt is found between the inner and outer planets
The Asteroid belt orbits completely around the Sun
Why do we see different constellations throughout the year? HINT: Think of our universe in a box!
Earth revolves and sees different sides of the universe.
Name the planets in order.
Mercury Venus Mars Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
What does the tilt on Earth axis cause?
This planet is farthest from the sun
You see a constellation just over your fence at 8:00. What will happen to the constellation in 3 hrs?
a. nothing
b. It will move across the sky
c. It will be blocked by the moon
d. It will change to a difference constellation
What is this a picture of exactly?
The international space station
Give 2 words to describe the inner planets.
rocky, terrestrial, warm, smaller
What is the name for the PATH that a planet takes around the Sun?
Orbit/ orbital period
True of False
All planets rotate on a axis
All planets revolve a star
All planets have rocky surfaces
FREEBIE. To get all 500 points, you must do a silly dance.