The universe started from a single point of concentrated mass called...
What is a singularity?
The color of light waves with the lowest frequency waves.
What are red?
The first phase of every star.
What is a protostar?
The smallest type of black hole.
What is a primordial black hole?
The type of wave that requires a medium.
The age of the universe.
What is between 13 and 14 billion years?
The color of Light with the highest frequency waves.
What is blue?
The phase of star our sun is.
What is a main sequence star?
What is a super massive black hole?
A type of wave that can travel in a vacuum.
What is an electro-magnetic wave?
The expansion of the universe is measured by...
What is the red shift of light waves?
The direction an object travels to produce sound waves that are higher in pitch.
What is towards you?
The event before the formation of a neutron star or black hole.
What is a supernova?
The type of black hole formed after a large star dies.
What is a Stellar black hole?
The formula used to calculate the velocity of a wave.
What is Velocity = wavelength x frequency?
The three types of galaxies.
What are Spiral, Elliptical, and Irregular?
The direction an object must be traveling to produce sound waves with a lower pitch.
What is away from you?
The element used as fuel for a main sequence star.
What is hydrogen?
The point of no return from which even light can not escape.
What is the event horizon?
The amount of waves that pass a point in a single second.
What is frequency?
The oldest known objects that "flash" out radiation at the farthest known potions of our universe.
What are quasars?
The apparent change in wave length as an object moves towards or away from you.
What is the Doppler Effect?
The process stars use to create energy.
What is nucleosynthesis/ nuclear fusion?
The central point where mass is concentrated.
What is the singularity?
The measurement of the maximum displacement of a wave from the equilibrium.
What is amplitude?