This phase of the Moon is completely dark and not visible from Earth
New Moon
The picture on the right is showing what type of daily tide?
Low tide
How long it take for the Moon to complete one orbit around Earth?
29.5 Days
This term describes an object going around another object
This is the name of the galaxy that contains our solar system
The Milky Way
This phase of the Moon appears as a perfectly round, bright circle
Full Moon
This type of tide occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are in a straight line, creating higher tides
Spring Tide
True or False: The same side of the Moon always faces Earth.
This term describes the path that a planet takes around the Sun.
The Sun is made not of fire, but this fourth state of matter
This is the phase when the right half of the Moon is lit
First Quarter
This is the name for tides with the smallest difference between high and low water levels
Neap Tides
This term describs the moon as appearing to grow in size
Planets, moons, and even stars rotate around their what?
He described gravity as the curvature of space-time
Albert Einstein
We call a Moon phase this when it is more than half lit but its not a full moon?
How many high tides typically occur in a 24-hour period?
What causes the phases of the Moon?
The position of the Moon, Earth, and Sun
The Suns light
The Moons Orbit
Our perspective from Earth
Most planets in our solar system, including the Earth, rotate in this direction?
Counter clockwise
When a star explodes we say it went this
This phase comes directly after a Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
This causes ocean tides on Earth
The gravitational pull of the Moon (and Sun)
If today is a Full Moon, how long until a New Moon?
Two Weeks
The 4 inner planets are called the rocky planets.
The 4 outer planets are mostly made of this
Gas (Gas Giants)
This forms when a massive star collapses under its own gravity
a Black Hole
A solar eclipse would happen during this phase of the Moon
New Moon
We're having a full moon today, which type of tide will we experience?
Spring Tide
This is the leading theory on how the Moon was formed
Giant Impact Theory
This planet is called our sister planet because it is similar in size and structure.
The nearest galaxy to the Milky Way
Andromeda Galaxy