A horse like Nebula
Horse Head Nebula
This famous person is from the planetarium in down town Chicago
Farthest planet from the sun
What are the 2 most known constellations
Big and small dipper
When was the first Solar Eclipse?
May 3 1375 BC or March 5 1223 BC
Often appear pink or red from the dominant emission from hydrogen. And the most common
Emission Nebula
They had the record for the farthest flight from Earth of 401,056km.
Apollo 13
Was there any water on mars?
Answer may vary
What constellations have the 3 stars alined?
Orion's Belt
What is the youngest star?
Answer vary. If you didn't guess don't get the points.
This nebula looks like pillars.
Pillars of creation.
The first human to walk on the moons surface
Neil Armstrong
What is the coldest planet in our solar system?
What is the biggest Constellation?
What is my favorite planet?
The temperature of this nebula goes to be about -418*F(-250*C).
Dark nebula
Was a U.S navy test pilot
Alan Shepard
Which planet has the most moons
What is the most rare constellation?
Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer
What is the oldest star?
Methuselah star
This nebula is like a mirror
Reflection Nebula
This was the first woman to go to space
Valentina Tereshkova
Which planets have tornados
Mercury and Jupiter
What is the smallest constellation?
Crux. Known as the Southern Cross
How many stars are there
100 Billion