irregularly shaped fragments of rocks
what are asteroids?
an icy body that releases gas and dust.
what is the difference between meteroids,meteors,and meteorites
there location
when did the big bang happen?
About 13.8 billion years ago
the recombination happened in which epoch era?
the largest asteroid between mars and Jupiter
what is vesta?
the main solid part of a comet
what is nucleus?
what three types are meteorites divided into
stony, iron and stony-iron
what is the bread compared to in the raisin-bread model?
the universe
the formation of these clusters also known as the seedlings of the galaxies were formed in which epoch?
galactic epoch
type of asteroids composed of more than 75% of known asteroids, which includes a large amount of carbon
C-type asteroids
the four parts of a comet
nucleus,coma,gas tail,and dust tail
what is the most common type of meteorite
what are the raisins compared to in the raisin-bread theory?
in which epoch did the universe cool down and expand?
type of asteroid composed of about 17% of known asteroids in the solar system. This asteroid is relatively bright and is made of silicate materials
S-type asteroids
the two tails are composed of
gas and dust
what is a meteoroid called when it enters the atmosphere like a burning rock
what are the two major eras in the stage's revolution?
radiation and matter eras
which epoch did the ripple effect happen and help shape the universe as we know it?
type of asteroids that is usually bright in color and is mainly dominated by nickel and iron with small amounts of stone, and inhabits the main belt's middle region
M-type asteroid
a disk-shaped region past the orbit of Neptune
Kuiper belt
when is a meteoroid called a meteorite
when the meteor enters the atmosphere and hits the ground it is called a meteorite
the dominance of radiation over matter ended when the _____ takes place
what do the hydrogen and helium come together to form?