Columbus' Voyage
Columbian Exchange
Spanish Conquest
New Spain Life
Native Life
Why did Columbus sail west on his first voyage?
Columbus sailed west on his first voyage to find a shorter route to the Indies in search of gold and spices.
What is the definition of the Columbian Exchange?
The Columbian Exchange is the moving of people and their ways of life between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere.
Who conquered the Incan Empire in South America?
Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan Empire in South America.
What was the first major event that occurred in Spain's search for gold?
The major event that occurred first in Spain's search for gold was Cabeza de Vaca explored the American Southwest.
What occurred at a mission?
At missions, priests taught Christianity to Natives.
What did Columbus deliver on his second voyage to the West Indies?
Columbus delivered settlers, animals, and supplies on his second voyage to the West Indies.
What are four animals Europeans brought to the Western Hemisphere?
Four animals Europeans brought to the Western Hemisphere are horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs.
What colony was founded after the defeat of the Incan Empire?
The colony of Peru was founded after the defeat of the Incan Empire.
What event happened after Esteban's death in what is now New Mexico?
The event that happened after Esteban's death is Francisco Vasquez de Coronado continued to search for Cibola.
What main part of their culture were the Natives expected to give up?
The main part of their culture that the Natives were expected to give up was their religion.
What "stuff" did the Spanish want by sending Columbus on more voyages to the West Indies?
The Spanish wanted the riches of the land.
What are five new foods Europeans enjoyed from the Americas?
Five new foods Europeans enjoyed from the Americas are corn, potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa, and beans.
What factors enabled Cortes to defeat the Aztecs?
The factors that enabled Cortes to defeat the Aztecs were metal armor, muskets, horses, and allies.
What are the levels, from most to least powerful, in New Spain's colonial society?
The levels, from most to least powerful, in New Spain's colonial society are peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, and African/Natives.
What does the term enslaved mean?
The term enslaved means to work long and hard without pay.
What was Spain's goal in delivering thousands of people to the West Indies?
Spain's goal in delivering thousands of people to the West Indies was to start a colony that would bring profits to Spain.
What effect of the Columbian Exchange was unintentional?
The effect of the Columbian Exchange that was unintentional was the carrying of diseases by the Europeans to which the Natives were not immune.
What occurred after the Spanish destroyed the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan?
After the Spanish destroyed the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, they built a new capital, Mexico City.
Despite how evil it was, why did Spanish landowners want to keep slaves?
Spanish landowners wanted to keep slaves because they made them rich.
What could be the result of the Natives being overworked and mistreated?
The result of the Natives being overworked and mistreated could be death?
How did Columbus' voyages impact the Americas?
Columbus' voyages impacted the Americas by allowing Columbus to show Europeans the way to the Americas.
What negative effects of the Columbian Exchange were intentional?
The negative effects of the Columbian Exchange that were intentional were the enslavement, forced religious conversions, and death of the Natives.
What changes occurred to the Natives living in New Spain?
Some changes that occurred to the Natives living in New Spain were that they were converted to Christianity and suffered diseases, such as smallpox.
How did the Spanish colonies in the Americas affect Spain?
The Spanish colonies in the Americas made Spain the richest and most powerful country in the world in the 1600s.
What was Bartolome de Las Casas' point of view on Natives in the encomienda system?
Las Casas' point of view on Natives in the encomienda system was that he wanted all slavery to end.