What is a Alcazar?
a fortess/castle
DD What is Toledo famous for?
Were id Hermione first meet Ron and Harry?
the hogwarts train
During World War Two, which country ruled Gibraltar?
the united kingdom/ england
What area (state) is Ronda in?
What use to be in the center of the Courtyard of the Dolls?
a pool that reflected the glittering sunlight
What are three things tangled up in the roots of Toled?
Roman, Jewish, Visigothic, Moorish, and the Tajo River
What was Dobby trying to save Harry from in book 2?
the Chamber of Secerts
What is he name of the famous moorish castle?
Moorish Castle
What is the name of the large bridge in Ronda that was bulit in 1793?
Puente Nuevo (New Bridge)
What is the name of the center of the alcazar?
Courtyard of the Maidens
What does “Para Plaze de Zocodover” mean?
Were is Plaza de Zocodover
Why did Lupin miss so of his classes?
because is a werewolf
Gibraltar shares land border with which country?
Who were the Catholic Monarchs who reconquerored Ronda from the Moors in 1485?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
What is the name of the person who built the gate?
Conqueror Don Pedro
Where is Musdo del Greco?
Santo Tomè chuch
What was the color of Hermoines dress at the ulball?
perewinkle blue
In one popular myth, who put the rock in Gibraltar?
What is the name of the town that we slept in on the house boat?
La Linea de la Concepiòn
DD What is the name of the first painting with native Americans
Virgin de los Mareantes/ Madonna of the seafarers
why was the capital moved from Toledo to Madered?
because the king wanted the town square to be a square and not a triangle and when the church said no the king told them that the new capital was madered
What did Viketor Krum call Hermione?
Are the monkeys in Gibraltar monkeys or apes ?
apes DD to a boy who can tell me the name of the apes
Who is the chief Caballerio of the Real Maestranza de Cablleria?
Filipe the VI