What is the theme verse for this year?
Nehemías 2:18
What are the three types of verbs?
-ar, -er, -ir verbs
Phrases like "tengo miedo" and "tiene prisa" are examples of this.
tener idioms/expressions
Puerto Rico, Cuba and Dominican Republic are all Spanish-speaking countries located in....
el caribe (the caribbean)
English words that end in -ty typically end with _____ or _____ en español.
-dad; -tad
Which verse starts out, "Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo..."
Juan 3:16
The Yo form of an -ar verb ends in what letter?
You use a form of ir+a+infintive to express this.
What someone is going to do.
(i.e. I'm going to study. / Yo voy a estudiar.)
La Semana Santa is also known as _______.
Holy Week
English words that end in "-ic" tend to end in _____ or _____ en español. (Ejemplo: artisitic)
-ico, -ica
(ejemplo: artístico)
What food item is mentioned in Juan 6:35?
El pan (Soy el pan de vida)
The nosotros form of comer is
You use a form of tener +que to express this.
an obligation - something someone has to do.
(i.e. I have to study. / Tengo que estudiar.)
Little Venice
Which verse mentions "la ciudad de David" and "un Salvador"?
Lucas 2:11
The él form of the verb vivir is...
The verb gustar means...
to please/to like
Peru is divided into these three sections.
The cognates for just and perfect are....
justo y perfecto
What is the reference for this verse:
"Que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados, conforme a las Escrituras; y que fue sepultado y que resucitó al tercer día, conforme a las Escrituras."
1 Corintios 15: 3-4
When you have two verbs together in the verb phrase, the first verb is conjugated and the second verb is left in this form.
The infinitive form. (ends in -ar, -er, -ir and means "to ______.")
e-->i, e-->ie and o-->ue are all types of this.
stem-changing verbs
What is a plaza and why is it important in Hispanic culture?
It is a place where streets come together, usually has a fountain, a monument, government buildings, church, park, etc. Symbolizes social, political and cultural life.
What is a cognate?
A word that sounds similar in Spanish and English.