what is 20 in espanol?
what is viente
what is to talk?
what is to hablar?
What color is grey
What is gris?
what is bookbag?
what is La mochila
what does necesitar mean?
what is to need?
what is the number cuarenta y cinco in ingles?
what is 45
what is Dibujar?
what is to draw
what is yellow
what is amarillo?
what is pen and penicil?
what is boligrafo y lapiz?
what is Tomar?
what is to take?
what is the number setenta in 13?
what is trece?
what is to study?
what is estudiar?
what is brown
what is cafe o marron
what is the trash?
what is la basura?
what "Ser" verb goes with the pronoun Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes?
what is son?
what is the number 100?
what is cien?
what is to listen?
What is Escuchar?
what is orange?
what is Anaranjado / Naranja?
what is tissue
what is Panuelos
How do you say, "the store has" en espanol
What is la tienda tiene
what is the number cincuenta in ingles?
What is 50?
what is nessicitar?
what is to need?
What is purple?
What is morado?
what is a window?
What is La ventana?
what is the difference between "ser" to be verbs and "Estar" to be verbs
What is..... ser to be verbs are permanent (Physical, location, and nationality) Estar to be verbs are temporary (location, conditions, emotions)