Cómo se dice: "yo aprendo" en ingles?
I learn
Which form is missing and what does it mean?
Tu(s) -singular familiar
Su(s)-singular formal
Vuestro/a(s) -plural familiar (spain)
Su(s)-plural formal
Nuestro/a(s)- means our
A really long neck: la Jirafa
A giraffe
Cómo escribe en ingles: Mi pequeña abuela graciosa
My funny little grandma
Find all the errors in the sentences below(3) & translate:
La hijas vendemos unos coche.
La hijas vendemos unos coche.
Cómo se dice "my small nephews"?
Mis sobrinos pequeños
What is the difference between your familiar and your formal? (neither in Spain)
*Extra points if you can give me the Spain version and if it is formal or familiar!
Your familiar = Tu(s)
Your Formal = Su(s)
Slowest animal: Tortuga
What country does the familia Madrigal live in?
Write the Spanish and English of the following:
DA - Definite Article
IA - Indefinite Article
DA - The= el/la/los/las
IA - a/some = un/una/unos/unas
Cómo se dice "they (fem) open the textbook" en Español?
Ellas abren el libro de texto
Do you conjugate a verb to the Possessive adjective? If not what do you conjugate a verb to in the sentence?
No, you conjugate the verb to the subject in the sentence.
A great white: El Tiburón
How many differences are the between the -er & -ir endings, and what are they?
There are 2 differences and they are Nosortos -emos vs -imos & Vosotros -ís vs éis
Find all the errors in the sentences below(4) & translate:
Nuestros amigas simpático vivir en una ordenada casa.
Nuestros amigas simpático vivir en una ordenada casa.
Cómo se dice "we share the tacos" en español?
nosotros compartimos los tacos
Can all 6 forms of Possessive adjectives be plural if the sentence is plural? Extra points to give an example of a plural vs non plural sentence.
Yes they all have a plural option (s). EX: Mi libro → Mis libros (My book → My books)
A hunters favorite: El Venado
A dear
How many countries have Spanish as the official language.
países ventiuno
Write out the English and Spanish of the following part of speech:
Prepositions - (6 of them)
en-in, de-of/from, a-at, con-with, sin-without, para/por-for
Cómo se dice "you should attend class on Monday" en Español?
Debes asistir a clase en lunes.
Translate the sentence to Spanish: "His brother received a tall package from our grandma"
Su hermano recibe un paquete alto de nuestra abuela
Ocho brazos:
El Pulpo
Mexico City, Mexico
Her House is the Blue House
Write a sentence to this pattern: WITHOUT using- casa, perro, gato, grande, gordo.
PP + Noun + Adj + -ir Verb + IA + Noun + ADJ = 7 words
EX: Su bebè callado recibe una botella caliente.