The Spanish translation of "an eye"
What is "un ojo"
The Spanish translation of "I hurt my leg."
What is "me lastimé la pierna."
The Spanish translation of "What's wrong?"
What is "Qué te pasa?"
The English translation of "Es fácil esquiar aquí."
What is "It's easy to ski here."
The English translation of "Por favor, limpia el lavabo."
What is "Please clean the sink."
The Spanish translation of "a nose"
What is "una nariz"
The Spanish translation of "The woman's arm hurts."
What is "A la mujer le duele el brazo."
The English translation of "Estoy enferma."
What is "I'm sick."
The Spanish translation of "It's hard to swim here."
What is "Es difícil nadar aquí."
The Spanish translation of "I clean the window."
What is "Limpio la ventana."
The Spanish translation of "an ear"
What is "una oreja"
The English translation of "Me lastimé el ojo."
What is "I hurt my eye."
The Spanish translation of "I have a headache."
What is "Me duele la cabeza."
The Spanish translation of "I play soccer."
What is "Juego al fútbol."
The English translation of "El hombre limpia el inodoro."
What is "The man cleans the toilet."
The English translation of "una boca"
What is "a mouth"
The Spanish translation of "I have something in my eye."
What is "Tengo algo en el ojo."
The Spanish translation of "My stomach hurts."
What is "Me duele el estómego."
The Spanish translation of "It's hard to throw that ball."
What is "Es fácil tirar esta pelota."
The Spanish translation of "Did you clean your room?"
What is "¿Limpiaste tu dormitorio?"
The Spanish translation of "a stomach"
What is "un estómego"
The English translation of "Me lastimé el codo. ¿Tienes una venda?"
What is "I hurt my elbow. Do you have a bandage?"
The Spanish translation of "Take your medicine with a glass of water."
What is "Toma su medicamento con un vaso de agua."
The English translation of "El equipo de fútbol está practicando."
What is "The soccer team is practicing."
The Spanish translation of "Please take out the trash."
What is "Por favor, saqué la basura."