De que color es el sky
what is Azul
un deporte de chicos
what is futbol
senora whiteman tiene estos
what is gata
blanco y fluffy
what is nubes
redonda y roja
what is manzana
color de un arbol de navidad
what is verde
un deporte de chicas
what is voleibol
you cab ride these
what is caballos
hot y brillante
what is sol
larga y amarilla
what is banana
color de una manzana
what is rojo
throw with hands
what is futbol americano
makes milk
what is vacas
cold y blanco
what is nieve
haz un sandwich con esto
what is pan
coloers de la bandera americana
what is blanca, azul, roja
has a home base
what is sofbol/beisbol
come esto accion de gracias
what is pava
cold y wet
what is lluvia
come este en accion de gracias
what is pava
color de monkey
what is marron
use a round ball and throw into a neat
what is baloncesto
en blanco y negro
what is cebra
in summer it is
what is caliente
you can put a face on it
what is calabaza