Lavar for Nosotros
What is pasear Al PERRO in English
Walk the dog
How do you ask someone how they are in Spanish?
Como estas
What team won SuperBowl 52 and Superbowl 59?
Philadelphia Eagles
Emperor Kuzco turns into what animal in The Emperor’s New Groove?
Lavar for ella
What is leer una revista in English?
Read a magazine
Three ways to say goodbye in Spanish?
Hasta luego
What NBA player tore his ACL this week?
Kyrie Irving
Who serves as Pinocchio’s conscience?
Jiminy Cricket
Escuchar for tu
What is pasar la aspiradora in English?
To vacccum
How would you ask to use the restroom in Spanish?
Puedo ir al bano?
Name ten teams that have won the SuperBowl?
Dolphins, Eagles, Cowboys, etc
ho was the first Disney character to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
Mickey Mouse
necesitar for usted
What is cortar es cesped in English?
Cut the gras
Make the word ASCENSORES singular?
what do I drop?
drop the ES
Who won the World Series in 2024?
Los Angeles Dodgers
Urusula is the villain in what Disney movie?
Little Mermaid
Escribir for nosotros and ellas
What is escribir un correo electronico in English?
To write an email
Find the error in the sentece
La casa amariilo es bonita
amarillo becomes amarilla
What is the only NFL team to go undefeated the entire season and win the SuperBowl? They did this in 1972
Miami Dolphins
What is Flynn Rider's real name in Tangled?
Eugene Fitzherbert